Every person has the individual responsibility to protect self, loved ones, and personal property.
Empower all citizens with information to prepare and protect themselves. Facilitate their understanding of personal risks, how to mitigate those risks, and what resources are available to mitigate those risks.
Continuity and function of commerce is necessary for healthy citizens, businesses, and communities.
Solicit participation of the private sector in programs to collectively strengthen resilience of business and communities. Engage them in reducing costs from lost productivity, infrastructure replacement, and failed economic recruitment resulting from risk management costs.
Current and future risk can be accurately assessed only by using reliable, authoritative, and easily understandable information.
Improve the ability to assess risk management alternatives by reducing the complexity of risk information for non-technical audiences. Generate and share valid, reliable information that helps decision makers identify and select among disaster risk-reduction alternatives based on need, cost effectiveness, feasibility potential resources, and returns on investment.
Maximum resiliency is produced only through integrated efforts within and across all agencies and organizations.
Help establish strategies that guide statewide resiliency efforts. Prioritize resiliency objectives that reflect the most pressing resiliency challenges in the state. Regularly convene governmental and non-governmental stakeholders with different perspectives and interests to create whole systems solutions. Facilitate planning across jurisdictions and sectors to avoid cascading failure.
Pursue and support federal and state policies and programs that promote innovative and flexible solutions to achieve individual, community, and statewide resilience.
Keep focus on policies and programs aligned with resilience goals. Recognize the value of other complementary and worthy goals but avoid drifting outside purpose to prevent confusion and conflict that dilutes value. Ensure advocacy is clearly and consistently concentrated only on opportunities to increase the resilience of Alabama citizens, businesses, and visitors.